PC Gamer (Italian) 20
PC Gamer IT CD 20.bin
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DOS Batch File
588 lines
rem KKnD Uninstaller.
rem Andrew Buttery, 21st November 1996
@echo off
echo KKnd Uninstaller
echo The following uninstaller is provided to ease uninstallation of
echo KKnD from your system however you use it at your own risk.
rem Does the user want the full help page or have they forgotten to
rem specify a path ?
if "%1"=="?" goto page_help
if "%1"=="" goto page_help
rem OK... let's check that the path exists...
if not exist %1\nul goto err_no_path
if not exist %1\kknd.exe goto err_no_kknd
rem OK... found the directory let's start deleting... very carefully...
rem In fact lets make sure...
echo Found specified directory do you wish to continue unistalling
echo Press Ctrl-C now to abort . . . or
rem Got the go ahead... delete away !!!
rem Move the current directory to the root as they won't be able
rem to delete dirs if current directory is set to inside the KKnD
rem directory structure.
cd \
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Start with the 640 Directory...
if not exist %1\levels\640\nul goto no_640
echo Found 640 Directory...
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_01.lvl goto no_s_01
echo Deleting Surv01.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_01.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_02.lvl goto no_s_02
echo Deleting Surv02.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_02.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_03.lvl goto no_s_03
echo Deleting Surv03.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_03.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_04.lvl goto no_s_04
echo Deleting Surv04.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_04.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_05.lvl goto no_s_05
echo Deleting Surv05.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_05.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_06.lvl goto no_s_06
echo Deleting Surv06.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_06.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_07.lvl goto no_s_07
echo Deleting Surv07.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_07.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_08.lvl goto no_s_08
echo Deleting Surv08.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_08.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_09.lvl goto no_s_09
echo Deleting Surv09.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_09.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_10.lvl goto no_s_10
echo Deleting Surv10.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_10.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_11.lvl goto no_s_11
echo Deleting Surv11.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_11.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_12.lvl goto no_s_12
echo Deleting Surv12.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_12.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_13.lvl goto no_s_13
echo Deleting Surv13.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_13.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_14.lvl goto no_s_14
echo Deleting Surv14.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_14.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\surv_15.lvl goto no_s_15
echo Deleting Surv15.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\surv_15.lvl
rem Now delete the Mute... um, oops, the Evolved levels...
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_01.lvl goto no_m_01
echo Deleting Mute01.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_01.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_02.lvl goto no_m_02
echo Deleting Mute02.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_02.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_03.lvl goto no_m_03
echo Deleting Mute03.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_03.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_04.lvl goto no_m_04
echo Deleting Mute04.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_04.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_05.lvl goto no_m_05
echo Deleting Mute05.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_05.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_06.lvl goto no_m_06
echo Deleting Mute06.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_06.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_07.lvl goto no_m_07
echo Deleting Mute07.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_07.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_08.lvl goto no_m_08
echo Deleting Mute08.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_08.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_09.lvl goto no_m_09
echo Deleting Mute09.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_09.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_10.lvl goto no_m_10
echo Deleting Mute10.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_10.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_11.lvl goto no_m_11
echo Deleting Mute11.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_11.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_12.lvl goto no_m_12
echo Deleting Mute12.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_12.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_13.lvl goto no_m_13
echo Deleting Mute13.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_13.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_14.lvl goto no_m_14
echo Deleting Mute14.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_14.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mute_15.lvl goto no_m_15
echo Deleting Mute15.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mute_15.lvl
Rem Now deleting the Multi player levels... please stand by !!!
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_01.lvl goto no_mp_01
echo Deleting Mlti01.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_01.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_02.lvl goto no_mp_02
echo Deleting Mlti02.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_02.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_03.lvl goto no_mp_03
echo Deleting Mlti03.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_03.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_04.lvl goto no_mp_04
echo Deleting Mlti04.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_04.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_05.lvl goto no_mp_05
echo Deleting Mlti05.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_05.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_06.lvl goto no_mp_06
echo Deleting Mlti06.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_06.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_07.lvl goto no_mp_07
echo Deleting Mlti07.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_07.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_08.lvl goto no_mp_08
echo Deleting Mlti08.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_08.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_09.lvl goto no_mp_09
echo Deleting Mlti09.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_09.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\Mlti_10.lvl goto no_mp_10
echo Deleting Mlti10.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Mlti_10.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\FMV.lvl goto no_fmv
echo Deleting FMV.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\FMV.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\sprites.lvl goto no_sprite
echo Deleting Sprites.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\sprites.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\super.lvl goto no_super
echo Deleting Super.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\super.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\supspr.lvl goto no_supspr
echo Deleting Supspr.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\supspr.lvl
if not exist %1\levels\640\wait.lvl goto no_wait
echo Deleting Wait.lvl...
del %1\levels\640\Wait.lvl
echo Deleting 640 Directory...
rd %1\levels\640
rem Then delete the Levels Directory...
if not exist %1\levels\nul goto no_levels
echo Found Levels Directory...
if not exist %1\levels\Multi.pal goto no_m_pal
echo Deleting Multi.pal...
del %1\levels\multi.pal
if not exist %1\levels\Mute.slv goto no_m_slv
echo Deleting Mute.slv...
del %1\levels\Mute.slv
if not exist %1\levels\Surv.slv goto no_s_slv
echo Deleting Surv.slv...
del %1\levels\Surv.slv
if not exist %1\levels\Super.slv goto no_su_slv
echo Deleting Super.slv...
del %1\levels\Super.slv
echo Deleting Levels Directory...
rd %1\levels
rem Then delete the KKnD Root Directory...
if not exist %1\HMIdet.386 goto no_hmidet
echo Deleting HMIdet.386...
del %1\HMIdet.386
if not exist %1\HMIdrv.386 goto no_hmidrv
echo Deleting HMIdrv.386...
del %1\HMIdrv.386
if not exist %1\kknd.cfg goto no_kcfg
echo Deleting KKnD.cfg...
del %1\kknd.cfg
if not exist %1\kknd.exe goto no_kexe
echo Deleting KKnD.exe...
del %1\kknd.exe
if not exist %1\kkndicon.ico goto no_kico
echo Deleting KKnD.ico...
attrib %1\kkndicon.ico -H
del %1\kkndicon.ico
if not exist %1\kknd.pif goto no_kpif
echo Deleting KKnD.pif...
del %1\kknd.pif
if not exist %1\serial.cfg goto no_scfg
echo Deleting Serial.cfg...
del %1\serial.cfg
if not exist %1\units.cfg goto no_ucfg
echo Deleting Units.cfg...
del %1\units.cfg
if not exist %1\uvconfig.dat goto no_uvdat
echo Deleting Uvconfig.dat...
del %1\uvconfig.dat
if not exist %1\uvconfig.exe goto no_uvexe
echo Deleting Uvconfig.exe...
del %1\uvconfig.exe
if not exist %1\univbe.drv goto no_uvdrv
echo Deleting Univbe.drv...
del %1\univbe.drv
if not exist %1\track.log goto no_trlog
echo Deleting Track.log...
del %1\track.log
if not exist %1\readme.txt goto no_readme
echo Deleting Readme.txt...
del %1\readme.txt
if not exist %1\modem.lst goto no_mlst
echo Deleting Modem.lst...
del %1\modem.lst
if not exist %1\save.lst goto no_slst
echo Deleting Save.lst...
del %1\save.lst
if not exist %1\kknd.sve goto no_ksve
echo Deleting KKnD.sve...
del %1\kknd.sve
if not exist %1\game0.sav goto no_g0
echo Deleting Game0.sav...
del %1\game0.sav
if not exist %1\game1.sav goto no_g1
echo Deleting Game1.sav...
del %1\game1.sav
if not exist %1\game2.sav goto no_g2
echo Deleting Game2.sav...
del %1\game2.sav
if not exist %1\game3.sav goto no_g3
echo Deleting Game3.sav...
del %1\game3.sav
if not exist %1\game4.sav goto no_g4
echo Deleting Game4.sav...
del %1\game4.sav
if not exist %1\game5.sav goto no_g5
echo Deleting Game5.sav...
del %1\game5.sav
if not exist %1\game6.sav goto no_g6
echo Deleting Game6.sav...
del %1\game6.sav
if not exist %1\game7.sav goto no_g7
echo Deleting Game7.sav...
del %1\game7.sav
if not exist %1\game8.sav goto no_g8
echo Deleting Game8.sav...
del %1\game8.sav
if not exist %1\game9.sav goto no_g9
echo Deleting Game9.sav...
del %1\game9.sav
if not exist %1\game10.sav goto no_g10
echo Deleting Game10.sav...
del %1\game10.sav
if not exist %1\game11.sav goto no_g11
echo Deleting Game11.sav...
del %1\game11.sav
if not exist %1\game12.sav goto no_g12
echo Deleting Game12.sav...
del %1\game12.sav
if not exist %1\game13.sav goto no_g13
echo Deleting Game13.sav...
del %1\game13.sav
if not exist %1\game14.sav goto no_g14
echo Deleting Game14.sav...
del %1\game14.sav
if not exist %1\game15.sav goto no_g15
echo Deleting Game15.sav...
del %1\game15.sav
if not exist %1\game16.sav goto no_g16
echo Deleting Game16.sav...
del %1\game16.sav
if not exist %1\game17.sav goto no_g17
echo Deleting Game17.sav...
del %1\game17.sav
if not exist %1\game18.sav goto no_g18
echo Deleting Game18.sav...
del %1\game18.sav
if not exist %1\game19.sav goto no_g19
echo Deleting Game19.sav...
del %1\game19.sav
echo Deleting %1 Directory...
rd %1
if not exist c:\kknd.cfg goto no_kccfg
echo Deleting KKnD.cfg from root of C:\ ...
del c:\kknd.cfg
if not exist c:\kknd.mem goto no_kcmem
echo Deleting KKnD.mem from root of C:\ ...
del c:\kknd.mem
if not exist c:\thevoice.cfg goto no_tvcfg
echo Deleting TheVoice.cfg from root of C:\ ...
del c:\thevoice.cfg
if exist %1\killkknd.bat goto err_not_comp
echo KKnD should now have been uninstalled.
goto exit
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Error Messages go here...
echo I could not locate KKnD in the directoy you have specified
echo (%1\).
echo Please note that the uninstaller appends a \ to the path you specify
echo which may cause this error. Please try again.
goto exit
echo The directory you specified exists but I could not locate the KKnD
echo executable in the directory you have specified:
echo (%1\).
echo Please note that the uninstaller appends a \ to the path you specify
echo which may cause this error. Please try again.
goto exit
echo Killkknd could not remove the %1 Directory as Killkknd.bat was not
echo moved out of the %1 Directory before being executed.
goto exit
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rem The big help page goes here...
echo This batch file is designed to help unistall KKnD from your hard
echo drive. To use the unistaller use the following syntax:
echo killkknd [install_path]
echo Where the install_path in the brackets is the directory where the
echo KKnD.exe resides. So if KKnD is installed in your E:\games directory
echo the syntax to remove it would be...
echo killkknd e:\games\KKnD
echo Every file is specifically deleted (none of that DelTree or Del *.*
echo inaccuracy !) and then the directory removed.
echo Possible problems.
echo The KillKKnD Uninstaller appends a \ to the path that you specify
echo and this may cause a problem. Renter the path without the trailing
echo \ character.
echo If you have copied any files into the KKnD directory or other parts
echo of the KKnD directory structure the Uninstaller will not be able to
echo remove all the directories. If you move the offending files and copy
echo a junk file to the directory where the kknd.exe was and rename it
echo kknd.exe and run the Uninstaller again it should clean everything up.
echo If you haven't moved the KillKKnD.bat file out of the directory
echo where KKnD is installed it will not completely remove the KKnD
echo directory structure. You need to move the KillKKnD.bat file before
echo running it.
goto exit
rem It's all over Red Rover...